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Sunday, April 6, 2014


For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NLT)

Today is the first day of April and Easter is fast approaching. Spring is here! Or is it? While some of you are out enjoying the rebirth of nature, here in the Northeastern region of the United States the landscape is cold and gloomy with much of the surrounding area still covered in snow. This new season, the winter that never seems to end, has been dubbed “Sprinter” – where winter decides to *snow* on springs parade.

Now, for those of you who know me well it will come as no surprise when I tell you how much I dislike winter in the Northeast.  I grew up in southeastern Massachusetts and after graduating college moved to Florida (my happy place). Long story short I eventually ended up here, living in the foothills of the Adirondacks, an area known for its long and snowy winters. Living out here has certainly pushed me out of my comfort zone, in more ways than one.

Perhaps you find yourself feeling out of place or searching for signs of new life in your own “sprinter?”  I’ve been through plenty of my own personal sprinters in my lifetime, times when you feel stuck in the middle of a difficult situation with no clear resolution on the horizon. It can be discouraging to look out the window of our lives and see what seems to be such a gloomy picture. But you know what? I have never lived anywhere more beautiful, picturesque, and clean as the Adirondacks. Truly, the winters may feel long and painful but just around the corner is the beauty and glory of green mountains, crystal clear living waters, and fresh clean air! God’s creation is a masterpiece, and we are a part of His creation.

It says in Ecclesiastes 3:1 that there is a season for everything, a time for everything under heaven (paraphrased).  This passage goes on to describe many juxtaposed seasons: a time to grieve and a time to dance, a time to cry and a time to laugh, a time to embrace and a time to turn away (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8). We can see that, although it may seem darkest before the dawn, there is a season of hope in store for us if we stay steadfast and faithful in standing strong in the love and promises of God.

What kind of sprinter are you experiencing in your life right now?  Maybe you’ve been out of work for far too long and you feel like you’re in a slump? Or, you’ve been praying for that special someone to come along and wondering if it’s even in God’s plan for you to be married. Some of you reading this right now may be struggling with the loss of a loved one, a debilitating illness, or the discovery that someone you trusted has betrayed you. Sprinters can be painful and can leave you feeling broken and bitter. We experience so much loss in our lives that it can cripple our outlook on who we are in Christ Jesus and how much He loves us and wants the best for us.

You may be wondering then, how DO we handle life when it hands us a long and dreadful sprinter? One of two things will happen in the midst of our struggles. We will either become bitter or better. Bitterness takes root when we choose to focus on the problem. We feel abandoned, angry, resentful, and may fall into a deep depression. Satan uses our sprinters to keep us from our full redemptive potential. He wants us to stay focused on the pain. Don’t allow the enemy to use your sprinters against you. Instead, cast your cares on the Lord and let Him be your strength. Choose to focus on praise and thanksgiving even when your heart may not be in it, this is when we have to lead our hearts toward Jesus and guard our hearts against the enemy.  

Romans 5: 3-5 reminds us: “And that’s not all. We also celebrate in seasons of suffering because we know that when we suffer we develop endurance, which shapes our characters. When our characters are refined, we learn what it means to hope and anticipate God’s goodness. And hope will never fail to satisfy our deepest need because the Holy Spirit that was given to us has flooded our hearts with God’s love (The Voice.)”

So today, as I look outside at the slush and mud and snow and wonder aloud if spring will ever meet my doorstep I will choose to find the blessing in sprinter, that when the snow is gone and washed away I will be able to more fully appreciate the newness of spring in all its splendor.  For without the many sprinters in my life I would not be able to appreciate the grace, peace, and supernatural power of an Almighty God who uses every season of my life to bring me closer to who He is shaping me to be. It may be cold but I can choose to wrap myself in the warmth of the Lord through worship and His Word. It may be dreary but I will choose to lift my voice in praise for the many blessings He has given me. It may be a long sprinter but I will choose to put my trust and hope in the Lord for,

We are confident that God is able to orchestrate everything to work toward something good and beautiful when we love Him and accept His invitation to live according to His plan” Romans 8:28 (The Voice).

Every Blessing,

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